Monday, July 14, 2008
A Luscious Treat..
This is a very exciting entry on.. FOOD!!! Yess!.. we had a first taste of the 8 savory dishes @ Fullerton Jade, designed and whipped up specially by the big chief for this event.. Our little treat for our very hard work.. heh =)
But most importantly, we want to ensure that the food served is of the top most quality and to leave everyone with satisfied smiles..

5 mins have passed.. and all we can think now is glorious food.. awaiting..

Finally here...

hmmm... yummy...

For each dish, we took great pains (or was it indulge?!) to test it carefully for its taste and presentation.. we wrote our comments written down dilligently...

In serious thoughts.. please DNO...

Thumbs Up!

After two hours of food tasting.. we met the chief where we discussed and gave our feedbacks..

We hope you will like the dishes as much we did tasting them and making sure they will appeal to you.

And we thought some of you may be dying to know the menu for the night.. ok shall not keep you guys in suspense any longer. Here's the menu for the night.

posted by nbs convo ball 2008! at 1:52 AM -
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NBS Convo ball 08!
Event: nbs convo ball 2008!
Home: Singapore
Convocation Ball: La Vie De Vegas... 26th July, 6.30pm at Fullerton Hotel. See you there!
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